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5 Signs You Need Custom Foot Orthotics for Your Foot Health

You may need custom foot orthotics if you’re experiencing pain, discomfort, or mobility issues that aren’t improving with other treatments.

Unlike OTC inserts, custom foot orthotics are created for your exact foot shape and size. These are designed to redistribute pressure and improve the way your feet move.

You Have Pain

Your pain when you walk may indicate that your feet are not getting the support they need. Custom foot orthotics can help alleviate pain and make walking more comfortable.

However, you should only wear them if you know they are needed to correct a biomechanical problem, not just a symptom. Your doctor can evaluate your feet, carry out a gait scan and recommend treatment solutions that may or may not involve orthotics.

Custom foot orthotics can effectively relieve back pain but must be customized for your needs. They can also help to alleviate problems that can lead to pain elsewhere in your body – like knee, hip, and spine issues. Another way to reduce pain in your foot is to take in natural joint supplements such as these that contain ingredients such as Glucosamine and Chondroitin, a common supplement that help to rebuild cartilage and reduce joint inflammation.

You Have Poor Posture

Posture is your musculoskeletal system’s way of providing form, support, stability, and movement to your body. It adapts to your job, activities, injuries, and shoes.

The poor posture you have when you walk is a problem that could impact your long-term health. That’s because lousy posture puts more stress on your muscles, weakening them and making it harder for them to maintain a proper position and balance over time.

This is especially true for your neck and head because our heads are heavy, and tilting them forward puts a lot of strain on the muscles that hold them in place. This can cause significant neck and shoulder pain, explains Sheri Dewan, a neurosurgeon at Northwestern Medicine Central DuPage and Delnor Hospitals in Illinois.

You’re Developing Corns or Calluses

Your body forms calluses and corns to protect your skin from prolonged rubbing or pressure. They appear on the outer layer of the skin and vary from complex to soft.

They often form over the ball of your foot or on the sides of your toes, where your feet take most of the weight during walking.

You’re more likely to develop corn if you already have medical conditions that change how your bones fit together in your feet. These include arthritis, bunions, hammertoes, and bone spurs.

Most corns and calluses will go away independently if you prevent the friction causing them. But, if they become infected or don’t clear up with home treatment, see your doctor.

You’re Wearing Out Your Shoes Quickly or Unevenly

Wear and tear are unavoidable, but if you are experiencing foot pain and your shoes are wearing out quickly or unevenly, it’s time to visit your podiatrist.

One of the newest and most advanced ways to correct this is with custom foot orthotics, also known as custom-fitted shoes or custom inserts. The best ones are for your foot type, weight, and activity level. They are a bit more expensive than over-the-counter or kiosk-type orthotics, but they will last longer and give your feet the boost they need. A good pair of custom orthotics will reduce stress and strain on other parts of your body and improve your overall quality of life. It’s also a wise investment that pays for itself in terms of enhanced mobility, health, and reduced aches and pains.

You’re Developing Foot Injuries

Inside your feet is a machine like a complex, multifaceted engineering project. Twenty-six bones, 33 joints, and more than 100 tendons, muscles, and ligaments work together to help you walk and move.

But sometimes flaws in this machinery can create injuries. Missteps can break a toe, and tripping or falling can fracture a foot bone.

If you have a history of breaks or are in high-impact sports, you may need custom foot orthotics to support your feet and reduce your risk of future injuries. You can get an evaluation from a healthcare professional to determine if custom orthotics are right for you. This can save you time and money in the long run. Plus, they may improve your overall health. So don’t delay.

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