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Multiple Sclerosis Physiotherapy

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a neurological disorder that affects the brain and spinal cord, resulting in various symptoms such as problems with vision, arm or leg movement, sensation, or balance. It’s a chronic condition that can sometimes cause severe disability, but it can also be mild. Symptoms can be treated in many cases. People with multiple sclerosis have a slightly lower average life expectancy. It is most commonly diagnosed in people in their twenties and thirties, but it can occur at any age. It is approximately two to three times more common in women than in men.

Symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

Multiple sclerosis frequently results in severe symptoms, such as the following:

Multiple sclerosis can be aggressive and progress quickly in some people. It can be mild in some people and progress at a much slower rate, with long periods of inactivity. In any case, physical therapy can be an essential part of MS treatment.

Causes of Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis has no known cause. It is classified as an autoimmune disease, which occurs when the body’s immune system attacks its tissues. This immune system malfunction, in the case of multiple sclerosis, destroys the fatty substance that coats and protects nerve fibres in the brain and spinal cord (myelin). Myelin functions similarly to the insulation coating on electrical wires. Messages can be slowed or blocked when the protective myelin is damaged and the nerve fiber is exposed. It is unclear why some people develop multiple sclerosis while others do not. It appears that a combination of genetic and environmental factors is to blame.

Treatment of Multiple Sclerosis

Presently, there is no medical cure for multiple sclerosis, but a variety of treatments can help control the condition. The treatment you require will be determined by the specific symptoms and difficulties you are experiencing. It could include:

Treatment Using Physiotherapy

A physiotherapist will teach you stretching and strengthening exercises and how to use devices to make daily tasks easier. With a mobility aid as needed, physical therapy can also help manage leg weakness and other gait issues that are frequently associated with multiple sclerosis.

Physiotherapy for multiple sclerosis consists of exercises designed to strengthen your muscles and improve your movement, balance, and coordination. Stretching is also included to help you maintain mobility and prevent muscle spasms. Physical therapy can also include instruction on using mobility aids such as a cane, walker, or wheelchair.

Even in the early stages of multiple sclerosis, physical therapy can be beneficial. It can help you with:

The physiotherapy techniques are very effective, but the most important thing is that you do them correctly. Exercising incorrectly may result in specific bone problems. So, it is recommended that you always perform these exercises under the supervision of a professional physiotherapist. Do not attempt it on your own until you are entirely confident in their correct method. To book an appointment with the top physiotherapists in Pakistan, visit the Marham website or use their mobile App.

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