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Tips to Avoid Lifestyle Critical Diseases If You Have a Desk Job

Lifestyle diseases are ailments, which occur due to your way of living. These include obesity, type 2 diabetes, atherosclerosis, stroke, and heart diseases. Along with adults, many children also suffer from lifestyle disorders. Lack of physical activities, stressful living, and availability of technological resources are the main reasons for such ailments.

Diet and exercise tips to follow

Today, most people live sedentary lifestyles and sit at their desks for several hours a day. Ideally, you must be physically active and sit only while resting. Sitting continuously in front of your laptop, television, or while driving affects the body in many ways, like:

Here are some tips to reduce the risk of lifestyle-related diseases:

  1. Remain active
  1. Exercise regularly
  1. Make dietary changes

Treatment costs for critical illness

The treatment expenses for critical illness are on the rise due to inflation. Open heart surgery or organ transplant may cost between INR 5 lakh to INR 10 lakh. Cancer treatment may cost in the range of INR 10 lakh to INR 15 lakh. Heart diseases may require INR lakh 3 to INR 5 lakh for treatment. Have you considered how you will meet these expenses in case of a diagnosis of any illness? A critical illness insurance policy is beneficial to combat these expenses.

This insurance plan pays a lump sum if you are diagnosed with any covered ailment. You can utilize the money that you receive from this type of health insurance plan for treatment, household expenses, repaying debt, or any other purpose.

Before you opt for health coverage, here are a few things to consider:

A critical illness plan is a fixed benefit policy and does not cover hospitalization expenses. It pays a fixed amount on a positive diagnosis after the end of the survival period. To cover hospitalization-related expenses, you may buy a mediclaim policy for additional security.

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