Insufficient sleep and sleep disorders negatively impact the lives of far too many people. Professionals have a major national problem with people not getting enough sleep. It’s rapidly expanding into a worldwide pandemic. About half of all people experience some form of sleep disturbance, and many have a diagnosable sleep disorder such as insomnia or obstructive sleep apnea in Singapore. An appointment with a sleep doctor may be in order if you’ve found that your snoring or daytime sleepiness is causing trouble. There are glaring indications of this.

1. Restless Snoring

Although not all snoring should be cause for concern, it is nonetheless an important indicator that you need snoring treatment in Singapore. While occasional snoring is unalarming, persistent or severe snoring may indicate a health problem. And there may be a problem if your snoring disturbs your sleep or your partner has started moving to a different room.

2. Lack of Focus

The inability to concentrate may also indicate that you are not getting enough sleep, as may a sudden decline in health. Likely, you’re not getting enough shuteye if you suffer from chronic headaches upon awakening, struggle to shed excess pounds, or see fewer positive results from your efforts than you had hoped. An adequate amount of sleep is necessary for regaining one’s equilibrium and vitality. Visit a sleep clinic in Singapore if you can’t focus.

3. Chronic Insomnia

Those who have insomnia have trouble getting to sleep at night. You may also have difficulty staying asleep, resulting in frequent awakenings throughout the night. It’s possible that people with insomnia also experience difficulty falling back to sleep after waking up at an unnaturally early hour. Additionally, it’s frustrating to experience insomnia occasionally; but it seldom poses an alarming health risk. Regularly dealing with insomnia is a sign that medical attention is warranted. Perhaps you’re experiencing the symptoms of chronic insomnia or sleep apnea in Singapore.

4. Awkward Daytime Sleepiness

Excessive daytime sleepiness impairs performance at the office or in the classroom. It could also make handling machinery or other tools riskier. In addition, if you’re already under the impression that you are tired during the day, that can make you even more agitated. You may also engage in behaviours that make it difficult to fall asleep at night, such as caffeine intake and afternoon naps. Hence, if you find yourself sleepy during awkward times, consider contacting a sleep specialist in Singapore.

5. Excessive Sleeping

Some sleep disorders can cause you to sleep too much, which is problematic in a culture where not getting enough sleep is the norm. Adults should get at least 7 hours of sleep per night but no more than 9 hours. The occasional need for more sleep, such as on weekends or vacations, might indicate sleep deprivation or recovery from illness. However, if you consistently sleep more than 8 hours per night, you should consider the possibility—you are suffering from a sleep disorder and you need to see a sleep specialist in Singapore.

Are you determined to get a snoring treatment in Singapore? Sleep soundly by visiting Dr Gan EngCern – Sinus & ENT Specialist.