Undergoing cosmetic dental treatments from North Vancouver Dentist can work wonders for your smile, elevating your self-assurance in the process. However, many patients are left wondering how to ensure the longevity and well-being of their teeth following such treatments. 

Whether you’ve recently undergone a straightforward teeth whitening procedure or a comprehensive cosmetic transformation, we offer these essential recommendations for maintaining the radiance of your smile post-treatment:

Steer Clear of Extreme Temperatures: Be mindful of the impact of temperature extremes on dental crowns. In the initial stages, dental crowns can heighten tooth sensitivity. The discomfort might be triggered by consuming very hot or ice-cold foods. Apart from potential pain, hot foods can lead to inadvertent burns. 

Occasionally, you might consume hot or cold beverages without realizing their temperature. It’s crucial to address discomfort before it escalates. Seeking treatment from a cosmetic dentist is advisable, as they might recommend a sensitive toothpaste to alleviate the discomfort.

Refrain from Colored Drinks: A valuable tip for maintaining teeth-whitening results is to steer clear of dyed beverages. Consuming drinks with vibrant hues could leave lasting stains on your teeth. Red wines, carbonated beverages, beer, and coffee are examples to avoid. Staining could severely undermine the brilliance of your smile. For individuals with veneers, using straws while consuming colored beverages can be beneficial. 

Straws channel the liquids beyond the veneers, minimizing the risk of discoloration. Additionally, rinsing your veneers after partaking in colorful foods is recommended. Seek advice from your cosmetic dentist regarding optimal food and drink choices. Opting for light-colored foods such as rice and clear water can help preserve the integrity of your enamel and veneers.

Maintain Consistent Brushing and Flossing: This post-care guideline is of paramount importance for both porcelain veneers and dental crowns. Veneers are affixed to teeth, while crowns encapsulate them. Regular brushing is vital to prevent decay in teeth, crowns, and veneers alike. 

It effectively eliminates plaque, curbing the occurrence of unpleasant breath. Proficient brushing and flossing techniques aren’t widely known. It’s advisable to engage in these practices after meals. To safeguard veneers and dental crowns from damage, opt for toothbrushes with gentle bristles, as vigorous brushing can prove detrimental.

Access Appropriate Pain Relief Medicines: Occasionally, numbing sensations might persist after obtaining dental crowns. This phenomenon often stems from the anaesthetic measures employed during cosmetic dentistry procedures. 

Furthermore, over time, the effects of the dental crown may diminish, contributing to heightened teeth sensitivity and discomfort. These issues can be mitigated through the use of pain relief medications.