Your smile is the first thing someone will notice about you. It makes sense, then, that you would want to keep your smile looking bright and beautiful. Sometimes this can be easier said than done, so this is a handy guide on how to keep your pearly whites as pristine as possible. 

Eat Right

One important thing to remember is that some food or drinks will stain your teeth just the same as they would stain your clothes. To make sure your teeth stay white, it is best to avoid these foods:

  • Tomato Sauce
  • Soda
  • Coffee
  • Black Tea
  • Balsamic Vinegar
  • Red Wine
  • Soy Sauce

Brush Your Teeth

If you aren’t able to avoid some of the foods that tend to cause stains, the next best way to prevent stains is to brush your teeth after eating. This will be sure to eliminate the stains before they “set in.” 

Visit Your Dentist

If you want to keep your smile looking great, general dentistry Kalamazoo MI is the place to start. It is key to make sure you check in with your dentist at the recommended intervals for regular cleanings and checkups. This way, they can help you take care of your teeth and recommend options to you that might be beneficial for your health.

Chew Gum

Gum, particularly the kind that contains xylitol, can be beneficial for the teeth for several different reasons. One such reason is that gum can help remove stains left on your teeth from other foods. It doesn’t hurt that gum can be delicious, too!

Having stained teeth can often leave a bad impression on others. Fortunately, there are a number of ways to prevent this from happening. Remember these useful tips and tricks if you want to make sure that yours is the brightest smile in the room!